Picture: Sony Pictures Television
Community is currently streaming on Netflix around the globe with the streaming service carrying the show for over two years but could eventually leave. A new investigation into removal dates reveals that Community could leave Netflix as soon as 2024.
Airing between 2009 and 2015, the Dan Harmon-led sitcom has seen renewed interest over the past few years thanks, in part, down to its addition or re-addition to Netflix globally. Netflix acquired the global shared licensing rights to Community back in April 2020.
Following its addition to Netflix, the series saw a notable bump in popularity via numerous data points leading to renewed hopes for an eventual revival in the form of the movie that’s long been rumored.
Netflix and other platforms also notably got in hot water leading to the removal of “Advanced Dungeons & Dragons” in June 2020.
In most regions, the show is available on multiple streamers. For example, the show is also streaming in full on Prime Video and Hulu in the United States.
A new joint investigation by The Wrap and What’s on Netflix can reveal some preliminary expiry dates for some of Netflix’s most popular licensed titles, such as Breaking Bad, Gilmore Girls, The Good Place, Supernatural, and Shameless.
This shouldn’t be a huge surprise, given that licensed content is constantly subject to removal as deals end.
Our current intel suggests that Netflix globally will hold onto all six seasons of Community until at least April 1st, 2024. That’s exactly four years from when it was licensed in 2020.
This removal date applies to Netflix globally.
Sony Pictures Television holds the license and is the ultimate owner of Community, so, therefore, is the company that chooses the new home. Given Sony doesn’t have its own streaming service, it relies on licensing its content to networks and streamers.
As The Wrap notes, if Netflix isn’t going to renew Community that it “would put a damper on anything [a movie] happening at Netflix,” but concludes, like us, that given Netflix’s “cozy” relationship with Sony generally, renewal chances are stronger than other distributors output.
It’s worth noting that Sony Pictures Television and Netflix did not respond to The Wrap’s request for comment.
During the pandemic, the cast reunited on YouTube for a table read and Q&A. In addition, both the cast and crew have constantly given fresh hopes of a revival. In early August 2022, Alison Brie gave us fresh hope a movie is on the horizon.
Do you hope Netflix renews Community and would you like Netflix to be the home of a Community movie? Let us know in the comments down below.
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